Sunday, December 20, 2015

I Judge Books By Their Covers: "The Great Christmas Knit-Off"

 Hello, my name is Lindsay, and I judge books by their covers.
Confession: I always judge books by their covers. A book's appearance -- from the artwork to the font to the colors to the texture to the weight and cut of the pages (I like the ragged-edged ones) -- is very important to me. And there are certain kinds of covers I like and certain ones I'd never pick up unless I was already planning to read the book. It's fascinating to see how covers change between editions -- hardcover and paperback, or U.S. and international -- and it's so fun to see who prefers what!

U.S. // U.K.

"The Great Christmas Knit-Off" was a fun holiday novel and I recommend it even if you know nothing about knitting. (Here's my review.)

This is a no-brainer for me... I absolutely prefer the U.K. cover. The bright colors, the quirky font, the little dog, the silver and gold snowflakes, the utter charm. It pops, it's funky and modern, it looks like something a 30-year-old might want to read -- and a non-knitter at that.

The U.S. cover, while not bad, just doesn't stand a chance for me. It looks grandmotherly where the U.K. cover looks fun and exciting. You'd never expect to find an f-word in a book with the U.S. cover (but there was!). I actually like the font on the U.S. cover, but the more traditional colors, the lace background and the actual knitting make it look kinda dull. If I weren't a knitter, I might not have picked the book up in the first place.

(Aside from which artwork I prefer, the U.K. cover is a much better representation of the book. For one thing, those wee little hats on the U.S. cover aren't even part of the story!)

Winner: U.K. cover by a landslide!
I'd love to know: which cover appeals to you?


  1. I vote for U.S. version - these mini hats won my heart!

  2. I judge books by their covers too. :-) I actually prefer the U.K. version too. It's more playful and definitely stands out for me.


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